With NAKD Points you can buy or get discounts to our products by simply contributing to the community.

For every activity where you contribute to the community, you can get NAKD Points. You can use these points at the NAKD SEOUL store like cash: 100 points =  $1. (We also plan to make NAKD Points available to use with other business partners in Korea – keep a lookout on that.)

Along with the points, we have a ranks system where you level up after reaching specific point balances. We offer discounts to users with higher ranks. The higher your rank, the cheaper you can buy NAKD SEOUL products.



Register to NAKD SEOUL200
Review a product150
Answer selected on NAKD Ask80
Get 100 views on any Question / Answer on NAKD Ask50
Purchase a product on NAKD SEOUL1 point per $1
Refer NAKD SEOUL to a friend*5 points per $1

*Point given relative to the friend’s first order amount.